Freedom, Humanity and “Our God”

Thank you for visiting. I hope this day finds you well wherever you are.  

Our world is in a very dark place right now. I was so hoping that things would get back to normal, but unfortunately we will never see normal again unless something drastic happens. So much damage has already been done. Just a few months ago, God opened my eyes to something and it changed me forever. 

This is a difficult subject because many still are not awake and yet many others are, but are just in denial. I understand that because it’s so evil what has been taking place in our country and our world and our psyche is so delicate. 

I think we all know by now that the corona virus has a very high survival rate for all ages and especially for children which is 100%. We also know now that natural immunity far outweighs any vaccine, even safe ones. 

We also know there are and have been safe treatments available this entire time and also have been blocked. We know from many reputable doctors and from the Vaers site that this vaccine is not safe. The Vaers site is only showing 1% of cases of deaths and serious injuries because the hospitals and clinics are not reporting it for various reasons. 

My prayers go out to all the people who are being forced to take this experimental drug with its known side effects including death in order to keep their jobs and provide for their families. To the other brave souls who have walked away and now must face the economic destruction and devastation. To all the innocent children that are being targeted. There are many reasons why people don’t want it. Aside from the dangers, many are unable to take it for various other reasons. And many just feel they aren’t going to be forced, period. 

The media is not reporting vital information about this so-called vaccine to the public. People have the right to have all information available to them. When you can’t have the truth come out, you’re thwarting people’s ability to make decisions. 

How awesome would it be if we all came together against this evil. If all Americans stood together regardless of political affiliation …that right there = their biggest fear. United we stand – Divided we fall. 

It’s all about Freedom and Humanity. 

Whatever your belief is, I wish the best for you. 

Please visit  Note: this is only showing 1% of cases

Please visit my new video ‘Our God’ on below.

This song has never had so much meaning to me as it does right now. 

I know God is by my side as I sing those words in the song. 

Hoping this day finds you well. God Bless

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